Is Kiwi Acidic or Alkaline Fruit? [pH, Kiwi Juice]

Kiwi is an edible fruit with brownish skin and greenish pulp that is a true berry. It’s also referred to as Chinese gooseberry.

The fruit has a unique taste and is compact with nutrition. So you must be thinking, is kiwi acidic or alkaline? Because the pH of the fruit may affect your acid reflux disease.

Acid reflux is a common disease, and If I am not wrong, you probably experience the pain of the disease. Some healthful foods may aggravate your acid reflux symptoms as well.

However, kiwi is highly acidic, and It’s more acidic than oranges. From the acidic nature point of view, I suggest avoiding the fruit during acid reflux.

Moreover, the causes of acid reflux and its effects are totally different. There are not only criteria is pH. Many things you have to consider before blaming the fruit.

Let’s straight to the point.

Is kiwi acidic or alkaline?

Kiwi is a highly acidic fruit, and its pH range is between 3.1 to 3.4, which is near oranges and strawberries’ pH.

The pH of kiwi juice is typically about 3.7. Still, it can vary depending on the specific variety of kiwi fruit used and how ripe it is.

The pH of yellow kiwi fruit is 3.7. This means that it is also highly acidic. The sourness of the fruit is likely due to its low pH level. Although it is acidic, yellow kiwi is still a healthy food choice.

Kiwi on acid reflux is ok or not?

Kiwi is a highly acidic fruit, and it may worsen your acid reflux systems. Though some people think a low pH level helps to improve digestion.

There is some research that kiwis can aid with GERD symptoms.

In one study, people with GERD who ate two kiwis per day experienced a significant decrease in heartburn severity and frequency. 

Additionally, they reduced the amount of medication needed to control their GERD symptoms.

While more research is needed to confirm these findings, kiwis may be a good addition to your GERD diet if you are looking for a natural way to improve your symptoms. 

kiwi fruit juice is highly acidic in nature.

They are low in calories and high in fibre, which can help to keep your digestive system functioning properly. Furthermore, they are high in antioxidants, especially vitamin C, which might aid to enhance your immune system.

Just be sure to eat them in moderation, as too much fibre can actually make GERD symptoms worse. On the other hand, kiwi has anti-inflammatory properties that help your body reduce burning effects like heartburn.

If you are taking GERD medication, as with any new addition to your diet, consult your doctor before incorporating kiwis into your routine.

Certain drugs may conflict with Kiwis, so it’s crucial to know what to look out for.

Is kiwi good for you?

The kiwifruit is now one of the world’s most nutritive fruits and is universally recognized as a superfruit. The kiwifruit is prized for its high vitamin C, potassium, and fibre levels.

Regular consumption of kiwifruit can provide a wealth of health benefits. 

In addition to boosting the immune system, antioxidants in kiwifruit have been shown to improve vision, promote heart health, and reduce the effects of ageing. 

However, because kiwifruit contains several vitamins and minerals, overindulgence can lead to adverse reactions such as abdominal cramping and diarrhoea.

• Vitamin C – It helps to boost your immunity.

• Potassium is crucial for keeping fluid balance and healthy blood pressure levels.

• Fiber – Fiber is beneficial for gut health. It helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

• Antioxidants – Kiwifruit is a rich source of antioxidants, which help protect cells from damage by free radicals. These antioxidants have been shown to improve vision, promote heart health, and reduce the effects of ageing.

Kiwi juice: Drinking kiwi juice regularly helps to improve their complexion and reduce the appearance of dark circles and fine lines. 

The vitamin C content of kiwi juice can help boost the immune system, and it may also help to improve cognitive function. Overall, kiwi juice is a healthy and refreshing drink that provides a range of health benefits.

Wrap up on kiwi and its nature

Kiwi is a highly nutritious as well as acidic fruit. 

If you have acid reflux symptoms, limited consumption is safe because the fruit has anti-inflammatory properties that help you. Still, an excessive amount may worsen your symptoms because it is high in fiber.

The report says the fruit does not cause your acid reflux symptoms but make sure about its consumption; that’s why always consult with your doctor or dietitian.

Add more alkaline foods and fruits to diet like avocado, cucumber, hummus, cabbage, and try to skip highly acidic foods like onionsblueberries, and so on.


What kind of acid is in kiwi?

Kiwi contains mainly three types of acids-
Citric Acid
Quinic Acid
Malic Acid

Is kiwi more acidic than oranges?

Kiwis pH is 3.1 to 3.4, whereas orange’s pH is between 3.0 to 4.0. It’s almost the same, but kiwis are more nutritious than orange when it comes to nutrition.

Is golden kiwi acidic?

Gold kiwifruit is less acidic and has a somewhat different nutritional profile than the classic green kiwifruit.

Is Golden Kiwi better for you?

Green kiwis have a minor advantage in dietary fiber and are lower in sugar. Still, golden kiwis have a slightly more excellent vitamin C content and roughly thirty percent more folate. Both forms of this tropical fruit are high in nutrients and provide a healthy and delicious addition to any dish.

How many kiwis may I consume in a day?

Most people can acquire adequate nutrients from the fruit by eating one to three kiwis each day.

What causes kiwi to be acidic?

Quinic, citric, and malic acids are abundant in kiwi fruit.

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