Who doesn’t like chocolate, are you? Probably not, Right?
I know you are a chocolate lover. At the same time, you are probably worried about your alkaline diet or may be suffering from acid reflux disease but almost all the time craving chocolate.
So, is chocolate acidic or alkaline? Is it going to worsen your acid reflux symptoms? I know it’s a critical factor, and no one enjoys the pain of acid reflux.
However, there are a variety of chocolates on the market, some of which are less acidic than others.
In this article, I’ll go over various types of chocolate, such as dark chocolate, milk chocolate, candy, and their acidity.
See At A Glance
Is chocolate acidic or alkaline?
Most chocolate products have near-neutral pH, and Their pH range is 5.5 to 6.7.
Dark chocolate’s pH is between 5.5 and 5.8.
The pH of light chocolate is around 6.0 – 7.0, depending on the origin of alkalization by treatment with potassium carbonate or dicalcium phosphate. It has a higher milk-to-cacao ratio than dark chocolate, increasing the pH.
The pH of milk chocolate is around 6.2 – 7.0 depending on the origin of alkalization by treatment with potassium carbonate or dicalcium phosphate. This chocolate has a much lower cacao content than dark and light chocolates.
The pH of white chocolate is around 7.0 – 8.0, depending on the origin of alkalization by treatment with potassium carbonate or dicalcium phosphate. It has a much lower cacao content than dark and light chocolates.
The pH of raw cocoa beans is around 6.0 – 7.0, depending on the origin and degree of fermentation. It has a much lower cacao content than dark and light chocolates. After roasting, its pH decreases to 4.3 – 4.9.
The pH of the cocoa drink is around 5.0 – 5.5, depending on the origin and degree of fermentation.
Chocolate on Acid Reflux?
The next time you are feeling the burn from acid reflux, reach for a piece of chocolate because chocolate may help reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.
A study found that cocoa extract could inhibit acid production in the stomach. Participants in the trial who took the cocoa extract had a reduced incidence of acid reflux symptoms than those who did not.
It’s necessary to mention that not all chocolate is created equal. Milk chocolate and other chocolate products high in sugar may not be as beneficial as dark chocolate or cocoa powder.
Antioxidants included in dark chocolate and cocoa powder can help protect the stomach lining from harm.
Dark chocolate increase acid reflux due to caffeine?
Caffeine in food is part of the problem when looking at possible causes of acid reflux disease.
Dark chocolate contains caffeine but the degree to which it affects individuals may be due to how it interacts with other foods in their stomach or if they are sensitive to its effects on them.
Dark chocolate contains substances that stimulate gastric acid secretion, leading to burning sensations in the chest for people with acid reflux disease.
It also contains caffeine, another known reflux trigger that may cause symptoms by increasing the production of stomach acid.
Caffeine-sensitive individuals may report an increase in their symptoms after consuming dark chocolate or any caffeinated product.
Light Chocolate effects on acid reflux disease?
Chocolate is one of the world’s most tasty foodstuffs. Still, even though chocolate tastes so good, it can be difficult to fit into a healthy diet.
Fortunately, chocolate has many health benefits; if you have acid reflux disease, dark chocolate can help. The flavonoids found in light chocolate help your body produce more of its own natural mucus, which coats your throat and stomach.
Mucus helps neutralize the acidity in your stomach to treat acid reflux disease naturally.
Makers of dark chocolate remove most of the cocoa solids found in chocolate to create white chocolate, rendering it almost useless for treating acid reflux disease.
The milk in milk chocolate further reduces the health benefits of white chocolate.
Acid reflux disease is a situation in which stomach acid backs up into your esophagus, causing painful inflammation and irritation.
Acid reflux also causes heartburn, where you feel an intense burning sensation behind your breastbone after eating food. Milk chocolate contains high amounts of butterfat, exacerbating acid reflux disease.
Milk Chocolate effects on acid reflux disease?
There is some evidence that milk chocolate has a protective role in acid reflux disease compared with dark chocolate.
The fact that milk does not affect the gastric pH as much as pure cocoa and dark chocolates may explain these findings.
Milk contains calcium, which may reduce acid production by the stomach, while pure cocoa contains lactose, increasing it.
Researchers following up on their 2005 study 111 reported recently that the consumption of chocolate (milk chocolate) can protect against nighttime reflux events without increasing gastric pH.
Compared with healthy subjects who did not eat any chocolate, those who consumed 20 grams of chocolate had a significant reduction in reflux events, but only when the chocolate was consumed at night.
If you don’t like chocolate milk, then must add coconut water during acid reflux days.
White Chocolate effects on acid reflux disease?
White chocolate is not beneficial for GERD because it contains no cocoa solids and thus offers no protection. This means that it is much worse!
Does hot chocolate cause acid reflux?
The caffeine in hot chocolate might cause acid reflux symptoms. Suppose you have problems with heartburn or acid reflux. In that case, you might want to avoid caffeinated beverages, including iced tea and hot cocoa. Avoiding foods that trigger your symptoms is an important part of managing heartburn.
Does candy cause acid reflux?
YES! And you should stop eating it.
Acid reflux can be begun by several things, including spicy foods, caffeine, alcohol, smoking cigarettes, being overweight, or eating too much.
Most sources say that food is just one of the potential triggers for acid reflux.
So why is candy on the list?
Candy often contains ingredients that can trigger acid reflux, such as chocolate and coffee. It also tends to be high in refined sugars, which have been shown to cause excess stomach acid.
These factors can lead to major acid reflux problems in the long run.
It’s probably not surprising that candy is on the list of acid reflux triggers. Still, it may be alarming to realize just how much of an impact it can have.
Some people find that they develop acid reflux only if they eat certain candies. If you’re one of them, try avoiding those types of candy in favor of products that are less likely to cause problems.
Health Benefits of Chocolate
There are many health benefits of chocolate that are often overlooked. Chocolate is a rich source of antioxidants, which can help protect the body against damage caused by free radicals.
Additionally, chocolate is good magnesium, copper, and potassium source. Magnesium is essential for muscle relaxation, copper is important for healthy skin and hair, and potassium helps maintain fluid balance and regulate blood pressure.
Chocolate also contains flavonoids, which are plant-based substances that have been shown to have numerous health benefits, such as lowering the risk of heart disease and many others.
Additionally, one study showed that regular chocolate consumption may reduce the risk of stroke in women.
Chocolate is also thought to improve cognitive function and mood. In fact, some studies have shown that chocolate can even help prevent depression.
So if you’re searching for a tasty and healthy snack, look no further than chocolate.
Wrap up on Chocolate and their nature
If you already have acid reflux, you should avoid eating candy as much as possible.
If you give in and eat some, make sure to eat just a little bit. The last thing that you want is for your next reflux attack to be even worse because of what you had for a snack.
Even if you don’t have acid reflux, candy is still bad for you, so try to eat it sparingly.
The refined sugars and chocolate contained in most types of candy aren’t good for your heart or your waistline. Overall, a better diet can make a big difference in the long run.
Dark chocolate is more preferable to other chocolate.
However, if you are experiencing serious problems, always consult with your doctor before making any changes to your daily diet.
Always focus on less acidic foods and my all-time favorite lists are –
Q1. Chocolate milk: how acidic is it?
Chocolate milk has a pH value of around 6.3-6.7. While it’s a relatively high pH level, chocolate milk has acid-forming properties due to the chocolate content.
Q2. Is it true that chocolate milk is bad for your stomach?
Chocolate has been considered a potential trigger for gut symptoms. This is because milk chocolate contains a lot of sugar, including lactose, milk proteins, and fat, which can provoke symptoms in sensitive persons.
Q3. Can you eat chocolate when suffering from acidity?
It should be avoided. Please consult a doctor if you desperately want to eat during this physical condition.
Q4. How many chocolates should you eat per day?
Adult men and women without health problems should consume 30-50 grams of dark chocolate every day. A 1.5-fold increase in the norm is permissible with heavy physical exercise.
Q5. Which does make the chocolate acidic?
Chocolate contains caffeine and theobromine, which can cause acid reflux.