Apple juice is also known as apple cider. It’s a fruit juice made from an apple by a maceration process.
Apple juice is a healthy drink and contains a high level of antioxidants and vitamin C that helps maintain a perfect nutritional level in your body.
As you know that all healthy drinks are not advised to be consumed during acid reflux. So, does apple juice have an acidic or alkaline pH? Because acidic juice can aggravate acid reflux symptoms and raise the pH level in your stomach.
If you concern about acid reflux, then not it that apple juice is highly acidic in nature, and a study shows dual effects of it. Sometimes the fruit juice is ok and sometimes not. You have to maintain a few crucial things before drinking.
The entire article is about apple juice and suggests the safest ways to consume apple juice. So stick with us; we’ll go over it step by step.
See At A Glance
Is apple juice acidic or alkaline? (Fresh apple, green apple, apple cider juice)
Generally, the pH of fresh apple juice is 3.48 to 3.69, which is highly acidic because a pH level less than 4.6 consider highly acidic, and more than that, up to 14 is alkaline, where 7 is a neutral number.
The average pH of apple cider juice is about 3.2, which is acidic.
However, the level of acidity can vary depending on the type of apple cider and how it was made. For example, cloudy apple cider has a higher pH than clear apple cider because the cloudy cider contains more pulp from the apples.
The pH of green apple juice is 3.3, making it slightly acidic. This means that it has a low pH value and can corrode metal.
Green apple juice’s acidity can erode tooth enamel over time. So, if you’re planning on drinking green apple juice regularly, make sure to brush your teeth after each glass.
Apple Juice On Acid Reflux
As you can see, apple juice is highly acidic, just like apples, but a small amount of apple helps digestion. However, there are several things you have to check to calculate how acidic the fruit juice is.
Does apple juice really help with acid reflux?
There is little evidence to back up the use of apple juice to treat acid reflux. One small study found that drinking apple juice before meals reduced symptoms in some people with acid reflux.
Apple Cider Vinegar helps treat acid reflux disease because of its alkalizing properties, though most people think that vinegar “makes things worse” for those who have acid reflux.
On the other hand, apple juice can also trigger acid reflux in some persons. This may be because apple juice is high in sugar and calories. It can also be acidic, which can irritate the stomach and cause symptoms of acid reflux.
So, if you are experiencing symptoms of acid reflux, apple juice may be worth trying. However, before you begin drinking it regularly, talk to your doctor about whether or not it will help you. Also, discuss how much to drink and how often.
Apple juice is acidic with a pH value of around 3 due to its high malic acid concentrations.
Besides, it is also a source of fructose which could worsen the symptoms in people suffering from acid reflux.
However, apple juice is also rich in antioxidants and has provided relief to some people with acid reflux.
It is always important to consult your doctor before starting any new treatment, including apple juice for acid reflux disease.
Short note: Acid reflux is also known as heartburn; it is a common condition caused when the stomach’s contents travel back up into the esophagus.
It occurs more often at night since lying flat tends to lessen one’s weight on the stomach, allowing acid to flow up more easily.
A more severe form of acid reflux is GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). If untreated, it can cause esophageal damage and other health problems.
In conclusion, apple juice may or may not help relieve the symptoms of acid reflux in people. More research is needed to clarify how apple juice affects acid reflux.
If you’re experiencing symptoms, consult your doctor to determine whether or not drinking apple juice is appropriate for you.
Best way to drink apple juice to reduce the effect on GERD
Some tips for minimizing the risk of worsening GERD symptoms with apple juice include:
-Drinking smaller quantities of apple juice throughout the day instead of drinking a large glass at once
-Rinsing the mouth with water after drinking apple juice to help reduce its acidity
-Avoiding drinking apple juice within two hours of bedtime, as this can increase the risk of GERD symptoms at night
-Adding a small amount of apple juice to the water to reduce its acidity. You can also mix the juice with milk, which has a pH value of 6.7. The milk will help to neutralize some of the acidity and increase nutrient absorption.
-Avoiding carbonated and uncarbonated apple juice, as the carbonation can worsen symptoms of GERD.
-Using a straw when drinking apple juice, which may help if it causes heartburn or sourness in the mouth/throat.
-Try to skip highly acidic foods with apple juice like strawberry but good to go with cucumber, my favorite avocado, and many more.
Choosing an apple juice without added flavorings may also be more likely to cause GERD symptoms.
If you experience worsening your GERD symptoms after drinking apple juice, consider limiting or avoiding it altogether.
If you believe that apple juice may improve your GERD symptoms (e.g., by helping to wash food down), try diluting it with water and using a straw to reduce its acidity.
Talk with your physician if you’ve any queries or concerns about how apple juice may affect your GERD.
Is apple juice good for you?
Apples have many health benefits, and it’s a great source of vitamins and minerals, including dietary fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and folate. They also contain antioxidants that limit oxidative stress that can damage molecules in cells or lead to cell death.
Antioxidants protect body cells:
It’s crucial to maintain the health of your cells. If you have a poor diet, your cells can be damaged by toxins and free radicals in the environment, which leads to serious health problems.
Antioxidants found in apple juice protect your body cells from damage because they neutralize harmful chemicals before they can do any harm.
Apple juice contains high amounts of polyphenols such as quercetin and catechin. These antioxidants are particularly beneficial for the health of your heart because they reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Boosts your immune system:
Our immune system is responsible for defending us from infection and disease.
Apple juice is a natural way to strengthen your immune system and stay healthy.
The high levels of vitamin C in apple juice help strengthen your immune system, while the antioxidants help protect your body from damage.
In addition, the potassium in apple juice helps to regulate blood pressure and keep your heart healthy. Magnesium is essential for nerve and muscle function, as well as a balanced metabolism.
Hair health benefits of apple juice:
Your hair needs a mixture of vitamins and minerals to stay healthy and strong.
Apple juice contains several essential vitamins, such as vitamin C and vitamin A, which help keep your hair follicles healthy by increasing collagen production.
This gives your hair a healthy appearance and helps to prevent hair loss.
So, next time you’re feeling a little under the weather, have a glass of apple juice to give your immune system a boost. It’s refreshing and simple to drink, and the vitamin C will make you feel better quickly.
Wrap up on apple juice and their nature
The pH of apple cider juice is usually around 3.2. However, the pH may vary depending on the type of apple cider and the production method. In general, the lower the pH, the more acidic the apple cider is.
Remember that those with GERD and other digestive conditions should not drink too much apple juice, and diluting it or mixing it with milk can help reduce its acidity.
I will suggest, make your diet plan with 70% of alkaline foods and 30% of acidic foods during these days and must consult your dietician because it depends on various things. My all-time favorite foods are-
Q1. Is Red apple acidic or basic?
In comparison to green apples, red one has a sweeter flavour and are more alkaline.
Q2. Is custard apple acidic?
Custard apple pulp is not just sweet and juicy, but also fragrant and slightly acidic.
Q3. Can apples cause irritation to your stomach?
Apples are abundant in fructose, a form of sugar. Many people suffer from fructose intolerance or sensitivity, which means their bodies have trouble processing this sugar.
Q4. Can you eat 2 apples a day?
According to studies, eating apples high in fibre and polyphenols can help lower bad cholesterol. Research states that eating two apples each day can help lower cholesterol and prevent heart disease.