Decaf Coffee while Pregnant | Recent Experts Opinion (2021)

So, you want to avoid regular coffee because of your baby. That’s why you are looking for can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant or maybe for your better sleep during pregnancy or perhaps a healthy lifestyle, but you have some quarries related to it. Right?                             

No matter what’s the reason, cutting back, your coffee is not bad because we are drinking a lot of coffee a day.

But cutting a cup of coffee, it’s not an easy thing. Mood swings are frequent during pregnancy, and more than 200 mg of regular coffee can harm your body, especially during pregnancy.

Then we are trying to shift on decaffeinated coffee; before that, we are thinking, is it safe, so can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant or in pregnancy time?

Can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant? 

Yes, mam, you can drink decaf coffee while pregnant, but there are some specific things.

We all know, according to WHO, not more than 200 mg coffee/day is safe. Though it varies individually per woman, we can follow its standard amount.

As for the mayo clinic report, a standard mug of coffee contains only 2 to 12 mg decaf coffee, perfect during pregnancy. So, your short answer is yes, you can drink decaf coffee. We think you get the point is decaf coffee safe during pregnancy or not.

Now, we will explain more details about which type of decaffeinated coffee best during pregnancy or more relevant queries related to decaf coffee and pregnancy. We think these answers help you a lot.

What is decaf coffee :

 In short decaf coffee is a processed coffee where caffeine is removed or minimizes with some technical process.

Decaf coffee also is known as decaffeinated coffee. It’s also similar to regular coffee in taste and looks but it contains a very low amount of caffeine.

Because many people love to drink coffee but they want to maintain the caffeine then decaffeinated coffee is an excellent option for those.

We all know that regular one cup of coffee holds around 85 mg of caffeine. But in the case of decaf coffee, which holds only 3 mg of caffeine. If you take decaf coffee, you only consume 3 % of caffeine, which is far healthier than regular coffee because, by the decaffeination process, 97% of caffeine is removed.

So, if you are not too sensitive to caffeine then decaf coffee is the best coffee for pregnancy.

How to process decaf coffee :

Around 97% of caffeine is removing from coffee beans. Three processes are mainly using during the decaffeination; most of them contain water, carbon dioxide, or organic solvent.

Coffee beans are rinsed within the solvent until the caffeine has been expelled from it, then the solution is separated.

There is also a method used, which is called the swiss water process. In this case, caffeine is decaffeinated using a charcoal filter or carbon dioxide. It’s chemical-free.

The coffee beans are decaffeinated before they are scorched and ground. Now you are thinking after the decaffeination; still coffee contains any nutritional value, right?

Don’t worry mam after decaffeination; coffee also contains the same nutritional value as compared to regular coffee. 

Remember, the smell and taste of the coffee may be light, the colour also changed. All are things depend on the method of the decaffeination process.

Decaf coffee has some advantages for those persons who are sensitive to coffee smell and taste.

Some decaffeination processes are also sensitive to pregnant women, discussed later on this topic, the method of decaf coffee, and pregnancy effect.

Pregnancy is a crucial time and always chooses the best which is not only for you also for your baby so if you are looking for can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant, then choose the right decaf coffee.

Now you are thinking about how to know, don’t worry, mam we help you choose the best process and why this process is best also tell you.

Best decaffeination process :

If your question is decaf coffee safe during pregnancy, yes, you can, but before that, always check the decaffeination process. Among all of these methods, the swiss water process is best for you, and it is also called naturally decaffeinated coffee.

Whenever buying decaf coffee, always check the packet appropriately and confirm that the coffee beans are naturally decaffeinated. Here are some reasons why the methods of decaf coffee during pregnancy are essential.

In “Indirect decaffeination”, green (unroasted), coffee beans are immersed in water to melt them and extract them. Then the water containing the caffeine is treated with a solvent. 

This is often then steamed to extract the caffeine from the solvent, then the water (with essential coffee berry oils and other flavors) is returned to the beans. 

The beans reabsorb the flavors within the water. This process repeats several times until the seeds contain the rich coffee flavors and essential oils without the caffeine, at which point they’re dried and roasted. This process is named “indirect decaffeination” because the beans never touch the solvent themselves.

The most widely used solvent today is ester, a substance found in many fruits. When your coffee label states that the beans are “naturally decaffeinated,” it’s pertaining to this process, correctly using ester. 

Although it doesn’t sound sort of natural action, it is often labeled intrinsically because the solvent occurs in nature. Other solvents are used, several of which are shown to be harmful. One, dichloromethane, has been imagined to cause cancer in humans and thus isn’t often used. 

In the 1970s, another solvent, trichloroethylene, was found to be carcinogenic and is not any longer used.

Another indirect method absorbs the green coffee beans in water to melt them and take away the caffeine, then runs the liquid through activated carbon or carbon filters to decaffeinate it. Then the flavor containing fluid is returned to the beans to be dried and roasted. This charcoal or printing is usually called the “Swiss water process.”

Another method of direct decaffeination process where carbon dioxide use as a solvent

The coffee beans are immersed in compressed carbon dioxide, which excludes 97% of the caffeine.

I think now you understand that can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant or not, don’t worry more interesting explanation waiting for you. Ok, move to the next point.

Decaf coffee vs. regular coffee in pregnancy :

Decaf coffee may be a milder drink with softer taste and smell and less caffeine. It’s a perfect choice for those that don’t adore the bitter taste and overpowering, pungent smell of ordinary coffee.

The absence of caffeine negates the entire purpose of drinking coffee. Coffee acts sort of a wake-up booster due to its high caffeine content. 

A few cups of coffee during a day means it’s right for you. However, if someone is hooked into coffee and features a habit of drinking quite a few cups of coffee each day, switching to decaf coffee might be the answer to scale back caffeine intake while gratifying the cravings.

So always prefer decaf coffee during pregnancy because it contains minimum caffeine rather than regular coffee.

Why you should move to decaf coffee :

During pregnancy, caffeine metabolizes very slowly. So caffeine level remains high in blood for a long time, even if the consumption is reduced. Caffeine is absorbed quickly from digestive energy, distributed through the body tissue, and promptly passes the placenta.

Because some studies said, excessive caffeine increases the rate of miscarriage, birth defects, stillbirth.

Related Article: Can you drink coffee when pregnant or during pregnancy.

How much caffeine in Decaf coffee gets an idea:

As we previously said, decaf coffee contains a minimum amount of caffeine, but remember some commercial decaf coffee contains more caffeine than regular decaf coffee. Here are some examples :

Regular espresso :

Per 60 ml or two-ounce contain 127 mg of caffeine.

Regular brewed coffee :

Per 240 ml or eight-ounce contain 96 mg of caffeine.

Hot chocolate :

Per 240 ml or eight-ounce contains 7mg of caffeine.

Dark chocolate :

Per 100 grams or 3.5 ounces contains 80 mg of caffeine.

Energy drinks :

Per 240 ml or eight ounces contains 72 mg of caffeine.

Brewed black tea :

Per 240 ml or eight ounces contains 47 mg of caffeine

Cola :

Per 355 ml or twelve-ounce contains 33 mg of caffeine.

All data are collecting from a trusted source food data center.

So, for your quarries, how much caffeine in decaf coffee, as a result of the food data center, per 240 ml or eight-ounce contains 2.4 mg of caffeine.

Can you drink decaffeinated coffee while pregnant? If yes, then how much? 

Frankly speaking, there are no standard guidelines regarding decaf coffee and pregnancy.

For your best safety purpose, always drink moderate caffeine during pregnancy. 

Always try to avoid regular coffee and replace morning coffee with decaf coffee.

Yes, you can drink decaf coffee while pregnant but not excessive.

Side effects of decaf coffee :

Though decaf coffee safe compares to regular coffee. But there are some side effects.

A heart problem may occur :

An excessive amount of decaf coffee might increases the bad cholesterol level in our body. The research said decaffeinated coffee increases a specific blood fat that is connected to metabolic syndrome.

Rheumatoid arthritis :

 Decaffeinated coffee may trigger the cause of rheumatoid arthritis but surprisingly caffeinated coffee has a lower risk.

Acidity may occur :

Acidity also can occur because, decaf coffee triggers the gastrin concentration, which is responsible for acidity.

Bone density can affect:

Because of acidity, calcium levels can decreases. Calcium is vital for bone health. So these are co-related and reduce bone density.

Headache and nausea may occur :

Sometimes skipping coffee or move to decaf coffee may occur headaches, drowsiness, or nausea.

Methylene chloride is also responsible for that. This solvent use to some decaffeination process. It slows down your CNS(central nervous system). That’s why may occur this type of symptom.

If you are sensitive to caffeine and then searching for can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant, our solution is no. For further queries

related to the medical condition, please consult your healthcare staff.

Decaf coffee and pregnancy first trimester :

Nowadays, the most trending question is, can I drink decaf coffee while pregnant? or in the first trimester, then the answer is yes if you don’t have any medical problems or not sensitive to caffeine. 

In general, decaf caffeine contains very minimum caffeine, on average, 2.4 mg per 240 ml. Which is good for healthy pregnant women, but the best result consumes its minimum.

Decaf coffee during pregnancy second trimester :

Decaf coffee safe during pregnancy but not an excessive amount. For best practice, avoid regular coffee and try decaffeinated coffee, especially while pregnant.

It is always suggested if you have any health problems or may be sensitive to caffeine and try to search on google that can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant in the second trimester.

Don’t do this, always consult with your doctor’s healthcare staff. Those are given solutions after a manual check-up, which is best for you.

Can decaf cause miscarriage?

The research said that women with three or more cups decaf coffee a day in the first trimester, show the risk of miscarriage 2.4 times more than those who do not consume decaf caffeine.

Can decaf coffee harm your baby?

Research is insufficient to prove the data, but caffeine can easily cross the placenta barrier and take time to metabolize, which is not a good sign, so the best part tries to reduce caffeine consumption.

How much decaf coffee can I drink?

No standard data, which exactly says about this. Decaf coffee contains a minimum amount of caffeine, on an average of 1 mg per 100 ml. As per the mayo clinic, up to 200 mg of caffeine is safe during pregnancy, but it varies women to women.

Is decaf coffee a stimulant?

Stimulant is mainly present in regular caffeine, which reduces tiredness, but decaf coffee contains a low amount of caffeine, that’s why it’s not a strong or good stimulant.

Is decaffeinated coffee bad for you?

No evidence proves that decaffeinated coffee bad for us. This coffee has some health benefits compared to regular coffee, but excessive amounts always harm your body.

 Is there any caffeine in a decaf coffee?

Yes, decaf coffee contains caffeine; it’s not fully caffeine-free. In the decaffeination process, around 97% of caffeine is removing. So decaf coffee still contains caffeine on an average of 3 to 12 mg per 240 ml.

We think these are the answer to your queries can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant, now you can get some idea its good or bad right?

Best decaf coffee for pregnancy in the supermarket 

If you are concern about your caffeine consumption equal to a healthy lifestyle, then always choose naturally decaffeinated coffee, which is best for you.

For best results, always choose the swiss water process. Here we can suggest some brands that are made by the swiss water process.

1. Life boost decaf

2. Koa coffee decaf Kona

3. No Fun Jo Decaf

4. Costa Rica Tarazzu decaf

5. Kicking horse coffee

Our view on can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant :

Some research said caffeine could trigger the chance of miscarriage, and some said its minimum amount right during pregnancy. It can vary women to women depending on their health condition.

Caffeine has some effect, it may be good or bad, but our best suggestion always limits your caffeine consumption.

Decaf coffee is an excellent alternative if you want to restrict your caffeine. But if you have any health issues, always consult with your doctor before taking decaf coffee.

If you want to stop caffeine consumption, then you should try some herbal drinks as an alternative.

Thank you.

If you find any helpful information regarding your queries that can you drink decaf coffee while pregnant, then share this article on your social media platform and helps others.

Written By: Riya Paul ( of Biotechnology)

Reviewed By: Saikat Bera ( of Pharmacology)

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